I-Polyethylene Glycol
  • I-Polyethylene GlycolI-Polyethylene Glycol

I-Polyethylene Glycol

I-Dotachem inikezela ngohlu olubanzi lwemikhiqizo yekhwalithi ephezulu ye-Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), edume ngokusebenza kwayo okuphezulu nokuzinza kokuhlinzeka. Ngesipiliyoni seminyaka engaphezu kwe-10 embonini, sihlinzeka ngosekelo lobuchwepheshe oluhambisana nesipiliyoni sethu esibanzi sokuhweba ngaphandle. Amanani ethu ancintisanayo aqinisekisa ukuthi amakhasimende awatholi nje kuphela ikhwalithi ehlukile kodwa futhi nevelu elihle kakhulu lokutshala kwawo. Themba i-Dotachem njengozakwethu onokwethenjelwa kuzo zonke izidingo zakho ze-PEG!

I-Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) iwuketshezi lwe-viscous olungenambala, olungenaphunga noma i-polymer eqinile ene-solubility enhle kanye ne-biocompatibility, esetshenziswa kabanzi kwezokwelapha, izimonyo, izithasiselo zokudla nezimboni. Ngaphezu kwalokho, i-PEG iphinde isetshenziswe njenge-lubricant, okokuhlanza kanye ne-antifreeze. Ngenxa yokuguquguquka okuqinile kanye nemvelo eguquguqukayo, i-polyethylene glycol iye yakhathazeka kakhulu futhi yasetshenziswa ocwaningweni lwesayensi nokukhiqizwa kwezimboni.

Ipharamitha Yomkhiqizo

Inombolo ye-CAS 25322-68-3
I-Chemical Formula: (C2H4O)nH2O

Igama Lohwebo Iphoyinti lokuncibilika amanzi%
isilinganiso uMw PH inani
(5% aq)
ngo 25℃
I-Flash Point ℃ OHV
mg KOH/g
PEG 200
0.5 190-210 4.0~7.0 30 L >150 549~590
I-PEG 300
0.5 285~315 4.0~7.0 30 L >200 356-393
I-PEG 400 4~8 0.5 380 ~ 420 4.0~7.0 40 L >200 267-295
I-PEG 600 18-22 0.5 570~630 4.0~7.0 40 L >200 178-196
I-PEG 800
0.5 774~831 5.5~7.5 30 L >200 135 ~ 145
I-PEG 1000 35-39 0.5 950~1050 4.0~7.0 *:30 S >200 107-118
I-PEG 1540 43-47 0.5 1300 ~ 1600 4.0~7.0 *:30 S >200 70-86
I-PEG 2000 49-53 0.5 1800 ~ 2200 4.0~7.0 *:30 S >200 51 ~ 62
I-PEG 3000 53-57 0.5 2800~3200 4.0~7.0 *:40 S >200 35-40
I-PEG 3350 53-57 0.5 3080~3680 4.0~7.0 *:40 S/F >200 30.5~36.5
I-PEG 4000 53-57 0.5 3400 ~ 4000 4.0~7.0 *:40 S/F >200 28-33
I-PEG 5500
0.5 5000 ~ 6000 4.0~7.0 *:40 F >200 18.7~22.4
I-PEG 6000 56-61 0.5 5800 ~ 6500 4.0~7.0 *:40 F >200 17.3–19.3
I-PEG 8000 56-61 0.5 7400~9000 4.0~7.0 *:40 F >200 12.5~15.2
I-PEG 11000 56-61 0.5 10700~12000 4.0~7.0 *:40 F >200 9.0~12.0
I-PEG 12000 56-61 0.5 11000 ~ 13700 4.0~7.0 *:40 F >200 8.2~10.2
I-PEG 13000 56-61 0.5 11800~15000 4.0~7.0 *:40 F >200 7.5~9.5
I-PEG 20000 54-64 0.5 16000~25000 5.0~8.0 *:40 S >200 4.5~7.0

I-Chemical Formula: (C2H4O)nH2O

Isici somkhiqizo kanye nesicelo

I-Polyethylene glycol ine-lubricity enhle kakhulu, ukugcinwa komswakama, ukuhlakazeka, ukunamathela, ingasetshenziswa njenge-ejenti ye-antistatic kanye ne-ejenti yokuthambisa, njll., kwezimonyo, ezemithi, i-chemical fiber, i-rubber nezinye izimboni zinezinhlobonhlobo zezicelo.

Izinhlelo zokusebenza

I-Chemical fiber ne-textile
Irabha nepulasitiki
Ukwenza amaphepha
Ukusebenza kwensimbi
Isengezo sokudla


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